Head Office Address:

WALA UK Ltd. 32 Beaumont Street, Oxford, OX1 2NP


You are currently visiting the website of Dr. Hauschka UK.

Dr. Hauschka Skin Care products are available in over 30 countries all over the world.

You will find the contact data here

Become a Dr. Hauschka Stockist:

Would you like to become an official stockist of Dr. Hauschka products? We would love to hear from you. 

Contact our dedicated team via info@wala.co.uk


Product Advice:

Call our dedicated Customer Service Team for help with specific questions.

Phone: 0800 0556604 | E-mail: info@wala.co.uk





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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Dr. Hauschka skincare retailer. Please fill out the form below. We will review the information you provided and get back to you in the next 14 business days.

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Business Information

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